December 31, 2016

New Year's Greeting - 2017

New Years Eve.

We mark time, 2016 flips to 2017.

A snippet of advice from years back:

Be yourself. Push yourself.
Speed it up. Slow it down.
Surround yourself with good friends. Bask in your family.

New layers and learnings:

Love yourself. Be more open than closed. Don't be too hard on yourself. Learning to be yourself is a lifetime journey. Be patient. #NotWeakJustHuman

Don't waste time.

Surround yourself with those from different places, of different colors, religions, ethnicities. Our diversity is our richness. And also seek out and find those that think and dream like you. Band together to make this world what we want it to be. #RadicalHope #WeRageForLove

Seek those large moments and successes. Build big things. But love the small ones. There is success and happiness and love in the rote everyday.

The icons and heroes of our shared cultural fabric and of loved ones that we lost and mourn this year live on through us. (Think Lion King and Jedi apparitions). Through the art we create, the values we live, and the way we move in the world.

Well. That's enough of that! Wishing all my loved ones, my friends and family a happy and sweet New Year.

"From sweetness comes forth strength."

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