October 29, 2014

Books of Impact

10 books that I have read that stayed with me.

Here are mine:

1. The Star Belly Sneetches (Dr. Seuss, short story).
2. The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
3. Breakfast of Champions (Vonnegut)
4. White Noise (Dellillo)
5. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Madness (Pirsig)
6. Catch 22 (Heller)
7. Native Son (Wright)
8. Cloud Atlas (Mitchell)
9. Any Tom Robbins but esp. Skinny Legs and All and Jitterbug Perfume
10. Kafka on the Shore (Murakami)
*11. Ocean at the End of the Lane (Gaiman)

* Bonus selection. Too many more to list...

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