April 12, 2009

Local Fun - Kids Dance Concert at RINK

Catching up on the past few weekends, last weekend, while Jacob was away on his soccer overnight, we took Lauren to check out the 2009 Kids Dance Championship, which took place in the lobby of a local mall on Rokko Island. Last year, we randomly caught the end of this crazy fun event. This year, we planned on attending, knowing it would be right up Lauren's alley. And it was.

It's one part ESPN Cheerleading Competition, one part So You Think You Can Dance. It's impressive dancing, plus unintentional comedy. It's cute Japanese kids, dressed to the nines, with hair teased out, dancing to hard-core rap like Public Enemy and Black Sheep. Ah...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my...I'm not sure what to say! Is Lauren getting her act ready for next year? You'll have to travel back, of course...